Sunday, December 26, 2010

Most Questions of JLPT Examination

Q1. What is JLPT?
JLPT means Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. JLPT is developed for Japanese learners all over the world in order to assess, evaluate and certify their Japanese-language proficiency.

Q2. Any special qualifications needed to take JLPT?
The JLPT is open to all non-native Japanese speakers. There are no age restrictions on candidates taking the JLPT.

Q3. Where can I take up JLPT?
If you are interested in JLPT in Sri Lanka, send us mail or
refer the "Japan Education Exchange and Services" website for more details.

Q4.I would like to know which level I should take.
The JLPT has five different levels of difficulty.
The JLPT has five levels: N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5. The easiest level is N5 and the most difficult level is N1, if you have not yet started with Japanese go ahead and start with N5. At SHINJU JLC you also have the facility of learning materials and the Japanese Conversation with qualified teachers. Knowing the language would boost your confidence for the N5.

Q5.I would like to know the syllabus of the test.
Please refer to the JLPT Syllabus Section in our website where the details are available or contact us for more details.

Q6.What is the minimum score do I need to obtain in order to pass the JLPT?
A decision whether a candidate is qualified or disqualified would be given only to those examinees who took all three sections of the test. The promotion score is determined by The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Administrative Committee. And,

Knowledge of Language (Vocabulary) - Marks: 50/60 Base Mark: 40/60 PASS.

Knowledge of Language (Grammar/Comprehension) - Marks: 50/60 Base Mark: 40/60 PASS

Listening - Marks: 30/60 Base Mark: 40/60 FAIL

In this case you will fail the exam. This is damn bad news for those people who cannot pass listening.

Result Announcements
Q1. When the test results will be declared?
The test results would reach each examinee by post through the local host institution around the beginning of March. If your test results have not been delivered by the end of March, please contact the host institution.